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A team of selected professionals, guided by common values and a passion for people and organisations

We provide our stakeholders with decades of experience and constantly evolving professionalism. We are guided by the desire to enable organisations and people to achieve their goals and realise their aspirations.

Marco Di Falco

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Alessandro Vergine

Senior Executive Consultant

Roberta Bet

Senior Executive Consultant

Roberto Schiavon

Senior Executive Consultant

Elisabetta Magagnin

Senior Executive Consultant

Irene Carlon

Senior Consultant

Silvia Mazzi


Francesca Spadotto

Senior Associate

Gloria Cristofaro


Emma Colpani


Giorgia Sartini


Anna Biazzo

Admin Manager

Michela Paludet

Back-office Manager

Work in Dotto ReSearch

We are constantly looking for talent to grow our team

Marco Di Falco

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

Born in Treviso in 1981. After completing his classical studies, he graduated in Law cum laude from Bocconi University in 2003. Between 2003 and 2005 he worked in Milan at the law firms Gianni Origoni Grippo & Partners and Lombardi Molinari e Associati, dealing mainly with M&A.

In 2005 he joined McKinsey & Company, where he remained until 2013 assisting Italian and foreign clients operating in very different sectors and contexts. 

From 2007 to 2009 he was in Boston, where he obtained an MBA from Harvard Business School.

In 2013 he joined Coesia, a multinational company based in Bologna and a world excellence in packaging machinery, where he took responsibility for the Group’s Business Development and Strategic Planning. In this role he was to lead the M&A team, completing acquisition and divestment transactions with Italian and foreign counterparts, industrial investors and private equity funds. He also supported the senior management of Group companies in the strategic and operational development of their respective businesses.

In 2016, he co-founded EasyCoop, the food e-commerce business developed with Coop Alleanza 3.0. As Chief Operating Officer he had responsibilities spanning operations, sales and finance and control, contributing decisively to the development of one of the most innovative food e-commerce companies in Europe.

Over the years, he has advised leading Italian and foreign private equity funds, especially in the industrial sector and within the sphere of M&A transactions.

In 2021 he acquired Dotto Research and took over its leadership.

In 2023 he was elected member of the Board of Directors and Vice Chair of Penrhyn, one of the main international networks of independent executive search firms. In 2024 he was elected Chairman of Penrhyn.

A profile with an international outlook but strongly rooted in the North East of Italy, he follows selected executive search and consultancy assignments, placing at the service of entrepreneurs and managers a background that combines experience in advisory, direct management and extraordinary transactions.

Passionate about various sports (including spearfishing, skiing, tennis, trekking), he was above all else a member of the youth selections of Benetton Rugby and the Italian national rugby team, with which he participated in the U19 World Cup. And it is precisely in the course of his life as a sportsman that his great passion for people, their individual and collective development, and the awareness of how crucial the role of the team is for the success of the individual, and vice versa, have grown.

Alessandro Vergine

Senior Executive Consultant

In Dotto Research dal 1992, ha maturato un’esperienza di oltre 30 anni nell’Executive Search.
Ha portato a termine con successo centinaia di ricerche di Dirigenti e Manager in un’ampia pluralità di settori: Industrial (machinery/industrial equipment, automotive, construction, airports, HVACR, home automation, mechanical components); Consumer Goods (F&B, FMCG, household appliances); Financial Services (banking, insurance); Process Industries (chemicals, metallurgy, packaging); Hospitality & Tourism (hotels, travel retail); ICT (software solutions); Logistics & Transportation; Real Estate & Facility Management.
Ha svolto incarichi di revisione organizzativa e selezione di manager apicali sia per clienti multinazionali italiani e stranieri, che per PMI di stampo imprenditoriale o controllate da fondi di private equity, per le quali ha contribuito in maniera decisiva alla costruzione e/o al rafforzamento del team di manager di primo livello.
Ha maturato negli anni una conoscenza significativa della cultura e delle aziende che compongono il tessuto industriale e dei servizi del Nord Est, e in parallelo un patrimonio importante di relazioni dirette con manager di alto livello che già operano nel territorio o sono interessati a rientrarvi.
Prima di entrare nell’Executive Search ha ricoperto incarichi di responsabilità nel settore Hospitality e Immobiliare.
Ha studiato per un anno negli USA, si è laureato con lode in Filosofia Contemporanea presso l’Università di Trieste e ha conseguito un MBA full- time presso la SDA L. Bocconi di Milano.
Parla fluentemente inglese ed è appassionato di running e scacchi.

Roberta Bet

Senior Executive Consultant

Dopo gli studi classici, si laurea in Economia Aziendale all’Università degli Studi “Cà Foscari” di Venezia. Negli anni sviluppa un articolato e solido percorso in ambito Risorse Umane, sia in azienda che in società di consulenza, in Italia e all’estero.
Dopo importanti esperienze prima con il ruolo di HR Specialist & Talent Acquisition in un grande gruppo e poi come Responsabile di Filiale per una multinazionale leader nel settore del lavoro temporaneo, nel 2002 entra in Dotto Research. Nel 2015 contribuisce alla fase di avvio di una start-up operante nell’ambito della ricerca e selezione, per poi rientrare in Dotto Research nel 2019.
In oltre 25 anni di esperienza, anche nell’ambito di progetti di revisione organizzativa, ha portato a termine centinaia di selezioni di figure apicali, dirigenti e quadri a servizio di grandi realtà, anche multinazionali, e imprese a conduzione familiare, operanti in settori merceologici molto diversi e per profili appartenenti a tutte le aree funzionali, tra cui finanza e controllo di gestione, HR e organizzazione, operations, produzione, logistica, acquisti e supply chain, commerciale, digitale e marketing, comunicazione, internal audit, ESG.
Molto attenta alla formazione continua, ha frequentato numerosi corsi specialistici in ambito HR, ivi compresi in Coaching e Mentoring. È certificata Hogan Assessment e parla fluentemente inglese.
Punto di riferimento per decine di clienti e centinaia di candidati, è caratterizzata da un forte senso di appartenenza e responsabilità verso la propria community, essendo tra l’altro socia attiva di AIDP e membro dei Team Inclusion e Volontariato d’Impresa, componente del Direttivo di VPWN (Verona Professional Women Networking), socia della Fondazione Bellisario, socia operativa AIRC, ambassador di Progetto Quid.

Roberto Schiavon

Senior Executive Consultant

Born in Trieste, after graduating from the University of Trieste with a degree in Political Science, in the early 1980s he began a long career path in Italy and abroad that led him to manage all HR areas, both at multinationals and in major entrepreneurial businesses. He first joined Belleli where for 2 years he managed the staff of 3 construction sites in Libya. He then moved to Electrolux where he stayed 5 years, initially as Group Search and Selection Manager in Italy, then as HR Manager at Zanussi Elettromeccanica in Mel (BL). He then joined Marelli Motori, where alongside the top management he led all phases of restructuring and relaunching of the sites in Arzignano and Sesto San Giovanni (MI), from the receivership, to the acquisition by 2 American pension funds until the sale to a British multinational group. In 1999 he joined Acciaierie Valbruna as HR Director, where he was in charge of the management of the 3 steel plants in Vicenza, Bolzano and Venice, also following important extraordinary operations in Italy and the USA. From 2007 to 2019 he was HR Director at Vimar SpA, where he was in charge, among other things, of all phases of the acquisition of Elvox in Padua.
After an experience as temporary HR Director in finance, in 2021 he joined Dotto Research where he follows executive search projects in different sectors and functions.
A very dynamic person (he plays various sports such as sailing, skiing, mountain biking and running), a deep connoisseur of the economic fabric and business culture of the North East, he makes available his recognized leadership in HR and his lifelong passion for people and organizations to all his interlocutors.

Elisabetta Magagnin

Senior Executive Consultant

Born in Aviano (PN), she graduated in Political Science, with a focus on Economics, from the University of Padua and later earned a full-time MBA from Clemson University (South Carolina, USA).
She began her professional experience in 1995 at Dotto Research, where she followed with increasing responsibility search and selection assignments for managerial figures.
In 2001 she began a 20-year journey within some of the most important multinationals in the pharmaceutical sector (GlaxoSmithKline Pharma and Consumer, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Roche), holding roles of increasing responsibility both in HR Management, Business Partnering, Labor and Employee Relations and in Talent Acquisition, Talent Management and Learning & Development.
In addition to strong search and selection skills, she has a wide experience in the area of talent and leadership management and development processes and has accompanied people and organizations through numerous phases of reorganization, transformation and change management.
She is Leadership Circle Profile certified (360° leadership assessment tool), Hogan and ICF Coach with ACC credential.
She follows targeted executive search projects and does HR consulting, individual and group/team coaching, mentoring paths for new managers and training/facilitation on “soft” skills.
In addition to a deep passion for music – particularly classical music – which led her to earn a Piano Diploma at the G. Tartini Conservatory in Trieste, over time she has also developed an interest in children’s literature and musical propaedeutic methods, leading music workshops in preschools.
Energetic and tenacious, she feels herself on a continuous path of personal and professional growth and with this spirit in 2022 she re-enters executive search, choosing Dotto Research to put her experience and values at the service of Clients, Candidates and Colleagues.

Irene Carlon

Senior Consultant

Laureata all’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia in Lettere e Filosofia, ha iniziato il proprio percorso nell’ambito dell’insegnamento, come docente sia presso scuole statali del ciclo primario che presso la base USAF di Aviano per personale civile e militare. In tale fase ha sviluppato e gestito importanti progetti di sostegno didattico a favore di bambini in difficoltà, occupandosi direttamente della selezione del personale coinvolto. È stata socia fondatrice di un’associazione non profit che sviluppa progetti a sostegno di bambini orfani in particolare in Romania, Congo e Brasile.
In Dotto Research dal 2004, ha seguito centinaia di progetti di ricerca e selezione di profili manageriali di vertice (AD/DG) e di prima linea, a servizio di diverse tipologie di clienti, attivi in tutti i settori caratterizzanti il tessuto economico del Nord Est. In particolare, ha maturato una conoscenza capillare del territorio e degli interlocutori del Friuli Venezia Giulia e del Veneto.
Clienti, candidati e colleghi le riconoscono grande empatia e capacità di ascolto, che le consentono di stabilire un clima di immediata fiducia e collaborazione sin dalle prime interazioni. Nel tempo è diventata un punto di riferimento importante per moltissimi interlocutori, con i quali ha costruito relazioni di lunga durata.
In Dotto Research ha responsabilità diretta della formazione continua dei colleghi più giovani, in particolare presso la sede di Pordenone, affiancandoli quotidianamente con passione, rigore e sensibilità.

Silvia Mazzi


Laureata in Scienze Internazionali e Diplomatiche presso l’Università di Bologna, ha maturato significative esperienze formative all’estero, partecipando al progetto Erasmus a Monaco di Baviera, svolgendo ricerca e stesura della propria tesi di laurea in Nicaragua, partecipando a un tirocinio presso l’Ambasciata Italiana in Zambia. Parla inglese e tedesco.

In Dotto Research dal 2006, ha selezionato manager in ogni area funzionale, per aziende operanti in molteplici settori e con diverse tipologie di azionariato: società quotate italiane ed estere, gruppi imprenditoriali, società controllate da fondi di private equity, enti pubblici. Negli anni ha acquisito una profonda conoscenza del territorio e degli interlocutori di Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige, Lombardia ed Emilia.

Professionista appassionata e rigorosa, instaura un rapporto da subito empatico con clienti e candidati,  consapevole della delicatezza delle decisioni associate a ogni processo di selezione. È particolarmente apprezzata per la profondità di analisi del contesto organizzativo e del ruolo ricercato e per la comprensione delle esigenze e degli obiettivi professionali e personali dei candidati.

È un punto di riferimento per la formazione e l’affiancamento dei colleghi più giovani, in particolare nella sede di Verona, ed è impegnata attivamente nei progetti di miglioramento continuo dei processi interni.

Sostenitrice dell’importanza dell’equilibrio tra vita privata e professionale, è molto sensibile ai temi della sostenibilità ambientale che cerca anzitutto di vivere nella propria quotidianità.

Francesca Spadotto

Senior Associate

Di formazione umanistica, dopo la maturità al Liceo Linguistico si è laureata in Mediazione Culturale e ha conseguito la Laurea Magistrale in Traduzione e Mediazione Culturale presso l’Università degli Studi di Udine.
Durante il periodo universitario ha partecipato per un semestre al programma Erasmus presso l’Università di Graz in Austria e ha trascorso un periodo di tre mesi come tirocinante presso l’Ufficio del Turismo di Salamanca in Spagna. Parla fluentemente inglese, tedesco e spagnolo.
Dopo una breve esperienza nel settore dell’Hospitality, nel 2018 è entrata in Dotto Research dove si è occupata di numerosi progetti di ricerca e selezione di profili direzionali di diverse aree funzionali e a servizio di clienti italiani ed esteri attivi in una pluralità di settori.
Grande appassionata di danza (ha sostenuto esami fino al 6° livello certificati dalla Royal Academy of Dance di Londra), applica la passione e il rigore propri di questa difficile disciplina in ogni progetto di ricerca e selezione di cui si occupa.

Gloria Cristofaro


Laureata al DAMS presso l’Università di Udine e in Scienze Internazionali e Diplomatiche presso l’Università di Trieste, ha iniziato il proprio percorso professionale nel settore assicurativo, per poi passare al mondo delle Risorse Umane lavorando per una multinazionale leader del settore interinale.

Successivamente ha trascorso un anno a Bruxelles lavorando a un programma governativo finalizzato ad assistere i cittadini italiani che si trasferivano in Belgio. In questo contesto è entrata in relazione con molte persone che si trovavano ad affrontare una fase delicata della propria vita e si è interfacciata con diverse istituzioni italiane e belghe, rafforzando le proprie capacità di ascolto, empatia e problem solving.

Entrata in Dotto Research nel 2021, si è subito distinta per le sue capacità di analisi e comprensione dei bisogni dei clienti e delle caratteristiche dei candidati, che le consentono di affrontare con elasticità progetti di ricerca e selezione molto diversi tra loro.

Parla fluentemente inglese e francese, è associata alla Croce Rossa Italiana e pratica yoga da diversi anni.

Emma Colpani


She graduated in Languages and Cultures for Publishing at the University of Verona, with a thesis on contemporary English literature and obtained a Master’s Degree in Publishing and Journalism at the University of Verona with a thesis on Russian literature.

During her academic career, she took part in the Erasmus Project, attending Tallinn University in Estonia for one year, where among other things, she furthered her knowledge of English (which she speaks fluently) and Russian (of which she has an intermediate understanding).

She joined Dotto Research in 2022 and immediately distinguished herself for her high level of listening and analysis skills, which allowed her to successfully tackle very different projects, serving both Italian and foreign clients.

An astute professional, responsible and aware of her role, she easily manages to build a constructive and result-oriented relationship with colleagues and clients.

An avid reader of novels and essays, her passions also embrace cinema, theatre, art and music.

Giorgia Sartini


After completing her studies in modern languages, she graduated in Political Science and Administration at the University of Trieste, where in 2021 she obtained a Master’s Degree in Governmental Sciences and Public Policies with a thesis focused on work-life balance.

Passionate about people and complex organizations, during her studies she completed an internship at the commercial office of an industrial group, global leader in its sector, and participated in numerous seminars and conferences on various issues related to business organization and human resources’ motivation in business.

After her first professional experiences in HR, in 2022 she joined Dotto Research.

Curious and intellectually lively, she spent periods of study and cultural exchange in Spain and Germany. Her passion for reading and her sense of belonging to her community led her to collaborate for years with Fondazione, an internationally recognized organization that deals with the promotion of culture in the Province of Pordenone and in the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.

She speaks fluent English and Spanish.

Anna Biazzo

Admin Manager

After graduating in Economics and Banking from the University of Udine, she gained 20 years of accounting and administrative experience in various industrial companies. She joined Dotto Research in 2021 as Admin Manager.

Michela Paludet

Back-office Manager

She joined Dotto Research in 1995 immediately after obtaining her Diploma in Accounting and Business Administration. Over the years, she has held various positions and currently directly oversees contractual aspects with clients, also dealing with administrative and accounting activities.

Alessandro Vergine

Senior Executive Consultant

At Dotto Research since 1992, he has over 30 years’ experience in Executive Search.

He has successfully completed hundreds of Executive and Manager Searches in a wide variety of sectors: Industrial (machinery/industrial equipment, automotive, construction, airports, HVACR, home automation, mechanical components); Consumer Goods (F&B, FMCG, household appliances); Financial Services (banking, insurance); Process Industries (chemicals, metallurgy, packaging); Hospitality & Tourism (hotels, travel retail); ICT (software solutions); Logistics & Transportation; Real Estate & Facility Management.

He has carried out appointments for the organisational review and selection of top managers for both Italian and foreign multinational clients, as well as for entrepreneurial SMEs or SMEs controlled by private equity funds, in relation to which he has contributed decisively to building and/or strengthening the team of top-level managers.

Over the years, he has gained significant knowledge of the culture and the companies that make up the industrial and services fabric of North East Italy, and at the same time an important wealth of direct relationships with top-level managers already working in the area or interested in returning to it.

Before joining Executive Search, he held positions of responsibility in the Hospitality and Real Estate sectors.

He studied for a year in the USA, graduated cum laude in Contemporary Philosophy from the University of Trieste and holds a full-time MBA from SDA L. Bocconi in Milan.

He speaks fluent English and is passionate about running and chess.

Roberta Bet

Senior Executive Consultant

After classical studies, she graduated in Business Administration from the “Cà Foscari” University in Venice. Over the years, she developed a structured and solid career in the field of Human Resources, both in companies and consultancy firms, in Italy and abroad.

After important work experiences first in the role of HR Specialist & Talent Acquisition in a large group and then as Branch Manager for a multinational leader in the temporary manpower sector, she joined Dotto Research in 2002. In 2015, she contributed to the launch of a start-up operating in the field of search and selection, before re-joining Dotto Research in 2019.

In over 25 years of experience, also in the sphere of organisational review, she has carried out hundreds of selections of top management, executives and middle managers for large companies, including multinationals, and family-run businesses, operating in very different sectors and for profiles belonging to all functional areas, including finance and management control, HR and organisation, operations, production, logistics, purchasing and supply chain, commercial, digital and marketing, communication, internal audit and ESG.

Very focused on ongoing training, she has attended numerous specialised courses on HR, including in Coaching and Mentoring. She is Hogan Assessment certified and speaks fluent English.

A point of reference for dozens of clients and hundreds of candidates, she is known for her strong sense of belonging and responsibility towards her community, being, among other things, an active member of AIDP and member of the Inclusion and Corporate Volunteering Teams, a member of the VPWN (Verona Professional Women Networking) Executive, a member of the Bellisario Foundation, an AIRC operative member, and an ambassador of Progetto Quid.

Irene Carlon

Senior Consultant

A graduate in Literature and Philosophy from Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, she began her career in teaching, as a teacher both at state schools in the primary cycle and at the USAF base in Aviano for civilian and military personnel. During this time, she developed and managed important educational support projects for children in difficulty, directly dealing with the selection of the personnel involved. She was a founding member of a non-profit association that develops projects to support orphaned children in Romania, the Congo and Brazil in particular.

At Dotto Research since 2004, she has followed hundreds of search and selection projects for top management profiles (CEO/GM) and first line managers, serving different types of clients, active in all the sectors characterising the economic fabric of North East Italy. In particular, she gained extensive knowledge of the area and stakeholders in the Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto regions.

Clients, candidates and colleagues recognise her great empathy and ability to listen, which enable her to establish an atmosphere of immediate trust and collaboration from the very first interaction. Over time, she has become an important reference point for many stakeholders, with whom she has built long-term relationships.

At Dotto Research she has direct responsibility for the ongoing training of younger colleagues, particularly at the Pordenone office, supporting them on a daily basis with passion, diligence and sensitivity.

Silvia Mazzi


A graduate in International and Diplomatic Sciences from the University of Bologna, she has gained significant educational experience abroad, participating in the Erasmus project in Munich, researching and writing her degree thesis in Nicaragua, and participating in an internship at the Italian Embassy in Zambia. She speaks English and German.

At Dotto Research since 2006, she has selected managers in every functional area, for companies operating in numerous sectors and with different types of shareholder structures: Italian and foreign listed companies, entrepreneurial groups, companies controlled by private equity funds, public bodies. Over the years she has acquired an in-depth knowledge of the area and stakeholders in the Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige, Lombardy and Emilia regions.

A passionate and diligent professional, she immediately establishes an empathetic relationship with clients and candidates, aware of the delicacy of the decisions associated with each selection process. She is particularly appreciated for her depth of analysis of the organisational context and the role sought, and for her understanding of candidates’ professional and personal needs and objectives.

She is a point of reference for the training and coaching of younger colleagues, particularly in the Verona office, and is actively involved in projects for the continuous improvement of internal processes.

An advocate of the importance of a work-life balance, she is very sensitive to environmental sustainability issues, which she tries to address first and foremost in her daily life.

Francesca Spadotto

Senior Associate

With a background in humanities, after finishing a modern languages high school, she graduated in Cultural Mediation and obtained a Master’s Degree in Translation and Cultural Mediation at the University of Udine.

During her time at university, she participated in the Erasmus programme at the University of Graz in Austria for one semester and spent three months as an intern at the Salamanca Tourist Office in Spain. She is fluent in English, German and Spanish.

After a brief experience in the Hospitality sector, she joined Dotto Research in 2018 where she was in charge of numerous search and selection projects for management profiles in different functional areas and serving Italian and foreign clients active in a plurality of sectors.

A great lover of dance (she has taken exams up to 6th level certified by the Royal Academy of Dance in London), she applies the passion and diligence typical of this difficult discipline in every search and selection project she deals with.

Gloria Cristofaro


A DAMS graduate from the University of Udine and in International and Diplomatic Sciences from the University of Trieste, she started her career in the insurance sector, then moved to the sphere of Human Resources working for a leading multinational in the manpower sector.

She then spent a year in Brussels working on a government programme aimed at assisting Italian citizens moving to Belgium. In this context, she came into contact with many people who were going through a delicate phase in their lives and interfaced with various Italian and Belgian institutions, strengthening her listening, empathy and problem-solving skills.

She joined Dotto Research in 2021 and immediately stood out for her ability to analyse and understand clients’ needs and candidates’ characteristics, enabling her to deal with very different search and selection projects with flexibility.

She speaks fluent English and French, is associated with the Italian Red Cross and has practised yoga for several years.